Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blacked out fork update.

Well the forks are back to normal (silver) again. I didn't care much for the wrapping, gave it too much of a home made look, so until I find somthing that looks a little more smoother/ professional, these are back to stock.

Monday, January 3, 2011

First ride of 2011

So even though it was freezing outside, the sun was out and I just had a get a ride in. The 848 has been neglected (plus the monster has one fork wrapped), so decided to take it out. Average air temp freezing at 32F. I guess, it'll take me a week or two to thaw out but it was still nice to get a short run in.

Road conditions-

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy new year!! - January is living up to its reputation, with highs of 35F and ice/ gravel on the road, riding is not particularly fun, so decided to take a bit of time and wrap the forks black. I'm not sure if I like them, so holding of wrapping the other one. We'll see how it goes.

Here is what is looks like.

Oh, and here is a better shot of the sprocket cover.