Saturday, November 6, 2010

Back to rain

I like Indian summers, too bad that in the pacific northwest it decided to come about in the middle of the week for three days (with near 70 degree weather) and the on schedule the rain returns on the weekend. So what is one to do, but take off early from work, even if it is just to ride the bike out to a coffee shop and work from there. Given the timing of the weather, I was not able to get a long ride in, but did get in a couple of short rides, which included detours on to bike lanes and some pics among the leaves.

No new mods on the bike. I'm thinking about powder coating the exhaust as a winter project, but need to find someone local who can do a decent job and does not cost an arm and a leg. Also want to get new levers. Ducati put on adjustable levers, but only if they could have made them black.

Also looking for some winter gloves. Riding in 45-50 degree weather is not kind on hands. Rev-it seems to have some good options, so need to go down to the bike shop and see what I can find out - I have ridden with glove liners which works for short distances but not the most effective, so think it is time for proper gloves.

Riding in the leaves does tend to make the bike a bit dirty, so washed the bikes yesterday and then, of course had to take a couple of shots. :) My perferred washing materials: Honda Brite for washing/ taking the grime off, Plexus for polishing (awesome stuff), followed by a quick 10 min ride to blow off any remaining water; warm up the chain a bit and then finish off cleaning/ waxing the chain with Chain Wax.


  1. Check out Salem Powder Coat, they're just on highway 22 in west Salem. I remember talking to them a while back for a computer case I was going to have done and I liked their shop and process and such. I think they had decent prices. Probably at least a couple hundred for pipes though.

  2. nice blog, I have some pix of my 796 too, cheers!
